A somewhat detailed look at TLS and how to implement it with Rust and Actix-web. This will also cover a bit on the OSI model, certificate authorities and how to use mkcert.
A somewhat detailed look at TLS and how to implement it with Rust and Actix-web. This will also cover a bit on the OSI model, certificate authorities and how to use mkcert.
A look at CORS, same-origin policy and middleware in context of the an example server written with Rust and the Actix web library.
A look at what makes an API RESTful and how to set up a basic one using Actix web. This is the first part of a five part series on using Actix web to create an API.
Brief notes and ideas on using images to analyzing network traffic. This was spurned on by a conversation I had on IRC.
The starting point for a series on APIs implemented with Rust and Actix-web.
A short essay about the rise of generative art, and what a world of post-scarcity within media might look like.